The key figures of Mercedes‑Benz Mobility AG

Here you will find an overview of the latest information on the financial development of our company:

Annual reports Interim reports Facts & figures

Q2 Report 2024


The portfolio of Mercedes-Benz Mobility shows an increasing share of xEV vehicles (battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles) in the second quarter of 2024. As a result, more than every second electric vehicle is now leased or financed by Mercedes-Benz Mobility.

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Q1 Report 2024


Compared to the first quarter of the previous year, Mercedes-Benz Mobility almost doubled its new business volume for BEVs to €2.0 billion (Q1 2023: €1.2 billion).

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Annual Results Conference 2023


In 2023, Mercedes-Benz Mobility saw new business increase by 7% to €62.0 billion (2022: €58.0 billion) in a competitive market environment with above average penetration rates for financed or leased electric vehicles. The total portfolio grew in 2023 to €135.0 billion (2022: €132.4 billion). Performance was impacted by a lower portfolio margin due to higher refinancing rates and intensified competition in the financial services sector, resulting in adjusted Earnings Before Interest and Taxes of €1.7 billion (2022: €2.4 billion).

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Q3 Report 2023


In the third quarter of 2023 Mercedes-Benz Mobility’s new business increased to €15.2 billion and is above the level of the prior-year period (Q3 2022: €14.3 billion).

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Q2 Report 2023


Mercedes-Benz Mobility tripled new business volume for BEVs (battery electric vehicles) to €1.8 billion (Q2 2022: €0.6 billion).

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Q1 Report 2023


Compared to the first quarter of the previous year, Mercedes-Benz Mobility was able to more than double the new business volume for BEVs (battery electric vehicles) to €1.2 billion (Q1 2022: €0.5 billion).

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Annual Results Conference 2022


Mercedes-Benz Group AG’s sharpened focus on high-end passenger cars and premium vans, combined with tight cost control, helped to lift Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) by 28% to €20.5 billion (2021: €16.0 billion) last year, outpacing a 12% rise in revenue to €150.0 billion (2021: €133.9 billion) during the same period.

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Q3 Report 2022


In the third quarter of 2022, Mercedes-Benz Mobility reached an adjusted Return on Equity (RoE) of 15.8%. The new business of Mercedes-Benz Mobility declined slightly by 3% to €14.3 billion compared to the prior-year’s quarter.

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